Retis - France Technopoles Entreprises Innovation
RETIS is the French network of innovation professionals serving innovative companies and territories with the following missions:
The professionalization of members through the qualification of collaborators and the certification of organizations, Lobbying and network animation, Experimentation of pilot projects dedicated to innovative entrepreneurship at national and international level.
Complementary links in the same chain of networked innovation, the members of the RETIS network support the creation and development of innovative businesses in the regions on a daily basis with two missions and complementary professions
– Support for these innovative companies
– Animation of their territory and their innovation ecosystem
The competence of the network’s professionals and the quality of the services and actions implemented by RETIS member organizations are recognized by various labels or accreditations, granted by RETIS, its European partner network EBN (European Business network) or the State.
Location: France
Category: Association